Kyhber Byg
6 min readJul 5, 2021


Why Freelancing Is The Future (3 Steps To Becoming A Freelancer FAST)

The three things that you can do to start making money today on the internet.

that freelancing is taking over the freaking world.From social media managers to copywriters,to bloggers, proofreaders, designers,branding specialists, video editors.

There's a freelancing side hustle for just about any and every industry out there.

And while the recent global pandemic

dramatically increased the number of freelancers we see out there hustling day-to-day,freelancing had already been trending up for years.

In fact, the freelancing industry is growing three times faster than the traditional workforce,and stats predict that by 2027

the majority of the US workforce will be freelancers.

Here are the six reasons why freelancing is the future.

Number #1 "Brands and Businesses Need
 Specialized Skills".

Every business at some point in time or another will encounter one of those one-off projects or a task that needs specialized help with,and it is way more efficient and financially smart for that business to hire a freelancer an expert freelancer

who already knows what they're doing and they're good at it,then they'll get their deliverable quicker and cheaper.

And a lot of the time those one-off projects will turn into a consistent gig with a monthly check for us freelancers.It is a win-win.

Number #2 "Job Freedom and Flexibility"

What's the number one biggest reason

that most people chase that nine to five life?

It's for job security, right?

Well, that is such a crock of bologna because if 2021 has taught us anything is that there is no such thing as job security,just like that your stable position could be deemed unessential,

and you could be laid off, let go,or have your business closed, thanks to an economic crash.And then you're left sitting there wondering

what in the heck do I do now?

But when you're a freelancer, you work for yourself which means you can never really be laid off or let go because you are in complete control of your workload,

how many clients you have,

how much you charge and what skills you can learn.

This job freedom and flexibility is life-changing.As a freelancer, you become a master of the pivot.Yes, a word we heard so much in 2021.You know you can learn a new skill,find a new client if you lose one and grow professionally as much as you want to or need to.

And no matter the state of the global economy,businesses will always need specialized skills.

So while freelancing might not give you the job security in that traditional biweekly paycheck for the exact same amount sense,

it does give you the freedom to work with as many clients as you want to at the hours you choose from anywhere in the world.

It's like diversifying your paycheck portfolio.

Multiple streams of income is the secret to security.

Number #3 "Technology Makes Your
 Freelance Business a Breeze"

Technology makes your freelance business a breeze.So today, more than ever, all of the tech advancements and innovations that we're seeing in the workforce are really pulling society away from that corporate style of conferences and meetings and going towards digital meetings and communications which favors, yes, you guessed it, freelancers Businesses are no longer limited to finding employees just in their local area.

Now they can employ experts and specialists from anywhere in the world which makes a lot of sense for businesses because it opens up their options for hiring the best talent they can find.And thanks to tools like Zoom, Skype, Asana, Slack,FreshBooks, Stripe, and TransferWise, and so many more,

the online work environment has been streamlined and optimized for freelancer success.These kinds of tools make it effortless for a freelancer to communicate, manage,and get payments from clients all around the world which leads me to that money you are wondering about,

Number #4 "Your Earning Potential is

A lot of freelancers get the most excited about.And while it is true that money isn't everything,it is nice to know that there is no glass ceceiling ,the sky is really the limit.

You set your prices and you decide

on how many clients you wanna work with.

And therefore you can make as much or as little money as you want to.Just remember, though, that your prices should be in direct reflection of your skills, experience,

and the value you bring to the table.

I feel like this is obvious, but I still have to say it,you won't start off your freelancing career

making millions of dollars.

However, it's absolutely possible for you to get there if you put in the work.

In freelancing, you get out what you put in.

So as long as you're willing to do the work

and find the right clients

you can definitely make buckets of that money, honey.

Number #5 "A better Work/life Balance"

So for a long time, people had to choose, right? Family or work, a good career or traveling the world,a high income or doing something that brings you joy.

For a long time it really wasn't possible

to have the best of both worlds,at least not easy, right?But with freelancing, it is.

Freelancing bridges the gap between having a stable income and being able to spend more time with your family,

travel the world, or do what you really love to do,because it can be done from anywhere you choose and whenever you choose.

Number #6 "freelancing is not replaceable by AI"

AI means artificial intelligence

So in my opinion, AI will never fully replace freelancing,not completely because we are humans and we need emotional connection and that will never change.So rather than seeing this inevitable advancement

in technology as a threat or as an excuse to not get started,think about how you can strategically use these AI tools to support you in your freelancing journey.

The truth is that freelancers are actually more prepared for those AI shifts than the general workforce because freelancers can work with the AI tools to generate quicker and better results for their clients.Whereas other more standard employment options

may be completely if not already replaced by AI,so think manufacturing lines and call centers.No matter what though, real human connection,empathy and creativity cannot be replaced by a robot,which is so, so important for copywriting.

So are you convinced yet that freelancing is the future?If you're ready to kickstart your freelancing journey

here are three quick, easy and practical ways

for you to get started making money today.

Step #1 "Get Specific"

So the first step is obvious.You have to actually pick what you wanna do.So start with your passions and your natural skillsets and go from there.

Do you love writing?Web design, photography or social media?

You can easily turn any one of those passions

into a full-time profitable and fulfilling freelancing career.So get out a pen and a piece of paper and start brainstorming some ideas.Write down a list of three to four things

that you're passionate about and could be great at,and start researching them so that you have a better idea of what it takes to freelance in each industry.Once you narrow it down to your top pick,

Step #2 "Package Your Skills"

You need to get very clear on who you are,

what you do and how you can help businesses.So if you wanna be a copywriter,

for example

you aren't gonna land very many clients

by approaching them and saying, hi

I'm a copywriter and I'll write copy for you.

You will however, have much more success

if you say, hey, I'm a copywriter

and I specialize in writing email sequences.

Can I help you out with your email sequences

to sell more of your product?

No matter what freelancing industry you're in,

getting super specific on what you offer

is very important before you pitch any clients.

Step #3 "Find Clients"

put yourself out there and find some clients.

Remember that you need to be visible in order to be seen.So update your Instagram, your Facebook,your LinkedIn profile, to reflect who you are and what you're now doing.

Get on freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork

and start reaching out directly to brands

and businesses that you wanna work for.

be real and be personal and make sure you're talking about how you can help them, not why they should hire you.

And I know that initial process of finding your first client can seem like a daunting task

but once you get over that initial hump,

if you do a great job and show up in integrity,

