Kyhber Byg
4 min readJul 3, 2021


How To Stop Procrastinating: 5 Productivity Tips To Get Things Done FAST

Five super simple productivity tips

There are some mindful habits that you can easily implement into your daily routine

to dramatically improve your focus, productivity,and even the quality of your life.

What is productivity ???

Productivity is the effectiveness of productive effort as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input."

How productive you feel you are and how accomplished you feel at the end of each day is directly related to your individual goals and expectations.

So maybe you spend an entire day brainstorming seemingly useless ideas that will actually someday lead to a multimillion dollar product launch or lead you to starting an eight figure business, who knows?

on the surface it might not seem like you accomplish much that day.You've actually done quite a lot of important work.

I am a firm believer that there's a time and place for everything in your work schedule,

a time for brainstorming,a time for planning, a time for implementation,and a time for review and reflection.

So the very first step in maximizing your productivity is just to release the impossible expectations of constant hustle and grind.

Listen, life is about balance and that is true when it comes to your work life too not every day will be an "implementation day".

Tip Number #1"Ease Into your Mornings."

You need to make sure that you're starting each and every day in the right state of mind,

which trust me is easier said than done,

when you consider the normal stress and chaos that a lot of us encounter during our morning routines.Maybe you spilled your coffee all over your white shirt this morning

or maybe you were up with a screaming baby all night long.

Maybe you're going through some tough personal stuff,or maybe the first thing you saw this morning

when you woke up, was that mean text message or bossy email.All of these things can sabotage your productivity

for the day before you even get started.

Tip Number #2 "Time Block Your Day"

So this is key to maximizing your productivity.

Find out when you work best.Morning, afternoon, evening or night,and then time block your day accordingly.

So start to experiment with your workflow

and take notice of when you're at your creative best,then schedule everything else around that.Protect your creative time fiercely.

Tip Number #3 "Make a list Of Most Important Tasks"

Mapping out my MITs or "Most Important Tasks,"

really helps me to prioritize what I need to get done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

So every Monday I jot down my MITs for the week,and then I assigned days to accomplish each task.So I like to separate my daily tasks using the 1-3-5 rule.So I'll do one big task, say like writing a piece of copy,and five small tasks, which could be as simple

So this helps to make sure that my creativity

and energy tank is full when I need it most

for that big creative task.

If you wait to do the hardest thing until later,

your tank will be empty and not only will it be more difficult for you to focus on that task, but it will take you longer too.And that is when I feel the most unproductive,when I get to the end of the day,and I still haven't done that big thing on my to-do list.

Tip Number#4 "Pomodoro technique"

So this technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.This technique uses a timer to break down work into small intervals, separated by short breaks.So traditionally this technique is done with 25 minutes of work, followed by a five minute break.

Now the genius behind this technique is

that it makes a big task, much less daunting.

mean, just the thought of sitting down to write an entire sales page can be so overwhelming

that you put it off for maybe weeks, right?

But when you approach it from the mindset of,

The key to this method is to work inquiries, then it isn't really a break.Is it?

Now I do believe there are some exceptions to this rule because every writer knows the importance of flow state.And when you are in it, you don't dare leave it or you might never find it again.So if my 25 minute timer goes off and I'm in the middle of a really juicy flow state, I won't stop,I'll keep writing but then

So you can set your own timer or feel free to use one of the many free Pomodoro timers you find online,just Google it.

Tip Number #5 "Work On One Thing at a Time"

So multitasking might seem like an efficient way to get more things done in less time,

but studies show that multitasking can actually decrease your productivity by 40%.

This is because constantly switching from one task to another is stressful on the brain,

resulting in less efficient focus and a lower quality of work.

So if you do have multiple things to do in one day Learning to prioritize your workflow is one

of the most important things that any entrepreneur can do.

