Kyhber Byg
5 min readJul 10, 2021


How do you write scroll-stopping Instagram captions?

Instagram captions need to follow the ABCs of copywriting.

So first they need to get attention with a great graphic and a compelling headline.

Second, they need to provide a benefit or some sort of value in the form of education, entertainment, or inspiration.

And lastly, they need a strong close.

They need to give people one clear and concise call-to-action.

six tips for writing killer Instagram captions

Tip # 1 "to get more likes, share a relatable story"

It is a known fact that actual photos of people

do typically get more likes,especially for a personality based brand

So rather than trying to pull content out of thin air,as much as you can, share real stories

and be as specific as possible.

Remember, the more specific the story,

the more relatable your copy.

Lastly, don't be afraid to create polarity,

take a strong stand for something you believe in,or own up to your own imperfections.

Nothing engages people more than a story that validates their own concerns, doubts, and fears,or speaks to a shared cause, mission, or belief.

Tip # 2 "Get more saves,share your favorite tips and tools"

provide insider tips and invaluable shortcuts

on a topic that is highly relevant to your followers.

And there's just something about lists

that we as humans just absolutely love, right?

It's actually scientifically proven that we love lists because they're simple and they provide easy frameworks for us to process information quickly in an otherwise overoversaturated dateline and a detailed list that supplements the graphic,

we also have a clear CTA that says,

"Comment yes below for us to DM you the links."

And sometimes we even include a save for later call to action in the graphic directly above the save button.That makes it really, really clear and easy for a follower to just click once,save that to their archive,

and then they can refer back to it later whenever they want

Tip #3 "To get more shares,post a thought-provoking meme or quote"

The biggest crowd pleasers of them all,

memes and quotes, both are punchy, straight to the point,

and offer a quick burst of fun, just like a tequila shot.Memes have the ability of uniting us using the universal emotion of humor.

There is no better way to do this than through satire of real life.

And while quotes may have gotten a bad rap lately,thanks to those spreading oversimplified, stolen,

and sometimes painfully cliche wisdom,

the numbers do not lie, people love quotes.

The bottom line is this, both quotes and memes are indisputably powerful and share worthy,especially when they are relevant to your audience and speak to their sense of identity,or a common belief system.

Tip # 4 "To get more comments, ask a simple question."

one of the best ways to get your followers to comment on your posts is to ask them a question, of course,

but here's the thing, you want to keep it quick

and ask a question that requires very minimal effort.include the question in the graphic itself

as well, because don't forget,

we are in the scrolling generation so you can ask a multiple choice question

if you do want to keep your question open-ended,

that's cool too.

Make the question painfully easy to answer,

like in my most commented post of all time,

It requires very little effort to answer,

and it evokes a strong sense of pride and identity.

So these types of posts are great gagement rate.

So the higher your engagement rate,

the more likely your posts are to be seen by more people and the faster you grow.

But again, you do not want your entire account

to just be these types of posts,

because then you're not adding a lot of value

for your audience.

They are a great way though, to get conversation going and have a little fun between your heavier content posts

Tip #5 "To get more leads, provide valuable resources."

Because Instagram prohibits hyperlinks

in the captions themselves,it can be really challenging for brands to send their followers to their website.It requires a lot of interest

and serious manual effort from the reader.

Those three little words, "link in bio"

require a surprising amount of work,

which means you better be giving people a damn good reason to stop their scrolling, go to your profile,click the link in the bio,

then to leave the Instagram app altogether

to access your website,and then take the desired call-to-action,

which is to sign up or buy something.With that being said,social media can still be a great source for leads,

but see this as an opportunity to put on your marketing hat and ask yourself this question,

what can I give my followers that is so good

that they'll want to stop what they're doing right now,

leave Instagram and go get it?

So the answer to that is to share a highly valuable and relevant resource that helps them solve one of their most pressing problems.

Tip # 6 "To get more followers, make it playful and have fun."

The best posts of them all are the ones that get a lot of likes, comments, shares, and saves because those are the posts

that keep peoplese those are the posts

that keep people coming back for more

and boost your following like crazy.

So my most engaging posts of all time across all metrics was this power words post.

Power words are a copywriter's secret weapon when it comes to giving your copy some needed pizazz.

So in this good old fashioned word game,

we listed down some common adjectives

and offered alternatives that can evoke more emotion and action in your copywriting.

We then asked our followers to fill in the blank

and find a better word for "increase".

So these kinds of posts are really fun and easy to answer,

but they also evoke our human competitive nature,

add a ton of value, and provide a unique opportunity for your audience to interact with you in a fun way.

By mixing up the style, format, and design of your posts,

while of course always following the ABC copywriting rules in your captions,

you'll boost your engagement and following in no time,plus you'll have a fun, creative, and exciting feed that keeps people coming back again and again and again.

